Sunday 12 October 2008

WOW vs. My Life

First off i'm sure many people would agree with me that since i started playing World of Warcraft my personal, social, political and vigilante crime fighter life has suffered, however it may be possible that it was never very successful and the kindest thing was for Blizzard to come along with a shovel and a head full of thoughts relating to the grander scheme of things or if you are a member of the tau the greater good [ a joke for all the warhammer 40k or dawn of war players]

but really i think it's more that any game with considerable staying power could whisk my various lives [see before for the full list of those affected] away to a care-free world of nonexistance.

But to sum it up i think many people myself inscluded do use games especially MMORPGs to escape this world and enjoy a far removed one where everyone loves you if you can disemboul a number of grotesque looking beasties, because really there's nothing like leaving behind the fact that you are:
-mindmubingly bored,
-haven't got the confidence to call some friends
-feel torn between the expectations of today's society and your own moral objections
-can't decide what you really want to do with your life without realising a problem with your chosen path...more often than not a lack of talent at it
-find your dreams slowly ebbing away with each day
and the usualy worry that noone in this world will ever love you

so what could be more appealing than getting into a comfy seat, creating an avatar who is probably better than you in every single way and doesn't feel the need to moan.

ah i do love the smell of pessimism in the evening.

1 comment:

James said...

"-haven't got the confidence to call some friends"

Or just have no friends...

Nice to see the blog is finally up and running! Now to keep it going...there's the challenge ;)