Saturday 11 October 2008

When play is work.

As a drama student i naturally find myself encountering a number of plays and have to analyze them, so i don't find at all unusual that i start trying to think like a play write and make like a play write and by that i mean i writing plays not marrying Marilyn Monroe like Arthur Miller and not people watching like Alan Bennett.

So anyway it was recently confirmed that i do have a rambling and disorganized Lexis which was about as bigger surprise as being told that placing any part of myself other than my ego in the way of chainsaw wielding maniac was NOT A GOOD IDEA

anyway my whole point behind this is not just to see a piece of writing placed all pretty on a background on the interweb, the teenage and young adult version of having a crayon scrawling pinned on the fridge

in fact it's not even to dislodge the small collection of wildlife that has hither to lived undisturbed on much of my keyboard, probably the result of the decline of proper sentences in todays social networking community which could really do with a survival themed game of scrabble to weed out the people who are letting it down.

No this probably just my way of getting out my frustration at writers block which the name suggests is a small inconvenient obstacle like a piece of white paper on a runway not the earsplitting white noise that smashes peoples dreams.

And it's thanks to 'writers block' that we end up with the following scenarios:

ah i've an idea! a guy writes a book on western bureaucracy and it's oppression of free people's and ideas and....

um.,.and then... meets a girl and they fall in love but um....


..then he kills her because she had an affair and....


..yep send it to the publishers.

i mean honestly it makes having an idea like the film 'Alien' if it didn't come out of the stomache but waited a bit longer.

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