Wednesday 29 October 2008

Another poem

Yes as the title suggests i do in fact have another poem i would like to share, i'm not sure if it is good or not but i thought i'd let others decide what they will, think what they will for this is:

A Poem on it's own.

A crystalline star of purest white

Settled on the cars last night

Formed blankets of cushioned miracle

Yesterdays drip becomes today’s icicle

As ever there is always work to do

Yet here I find myself writing about you

Thoughts of you seize my mind every hour

It seems a pity that your eyes may never scour

this page to read the thoughts of mine

Passed into our peoples sign,

This poems direction I cannot tell

For it has a mind of it’s own as well

If there is a message, really any message

Hidden well within this longing passage

Then to yourself it may never be spoke

For I fear too late and to easily

broke .

-Elliot Roberts-29/10/08

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