Sunday 22 March 2009

But who is watching my language?

Ah Ha and so the observant of my current following of one, may notice that i am once again blogging due to the build up of self analysis, rants and comment that would otherwise festoon the various media outlets that exist on British and American servers.

And so i begin, cracking into my chosen topic like Tony McNulty(MP) into the government kitty, My attention was caught by a story in the times newspaper,now don't judge me, it doesn't necessarily mean i think in a very middle class fashion or that my first experience of alcohol was pimms under a pergola...that is merely coincidence. Anyway the story referred to the legislation being passed to make homophobic jokes illegal, which would of course cut down hugely on mentions of broke back mountain and mamma mia

But it made me think seriously at what point can you draw a line in the sand without going against your core principals and betraying your original cause, and given it's nature is it even inherently possible to set a point where tongue in cheek ends and slander begins, to me the very concept of language and it's uses make it force to be reckoned with in the face of legislation and regulation as it mostly exists not as a primal set of communicative definitions but the framework for human society and a great tool that has become the expression of all that lies within the realms of thought. Therefore policing such a territory beyond the obvious becomes a battle of circumstance and the unnecessary generation of apathy...which would give some the term "broken Britain"

Now to reduce the risk of seeming too heavy i will end this for now...hopefully to return.

Monday 2 February 2009

2009: A first!

Now this is my first blog of 2009 possibly because as time went on the expectations rose, but now i prepare to shatter them in a nigh pointless exercise in self assertiveness in the looming face of the mundane and insignificant.

So to kick off i am going to give my take on world progress and certainly the election of Barack Obama, although in the grander scheme of things we are still have a new frontier of equality to cover we all at least have the chance to revel in the good of our own aims if not achievements. We are as a species still as flawed as ever, however there is wonderfully a new wave of enthusiasm towards progress and steps towards ideals albeit a little romanticized i hope it will inspire a fresh interest in the political systems that people across the west have lost faith in over the years. This is something i think is reflected not only in the election of the 44th president of the united states but the release and reception of the dark knight, i know it seems a slightly strenuous link but it bears epic themes that to some it provides all the tools to form an allegory.

So it is amidst this backdrop of change and new year that i almost resolutely remain the same, the minority still try to speak on the behalf of all whilst the majority remain still and slowly becoming drained out of hope and confidence on the world. The internet still remains the bizarre society formed out of lies, manipulation and a lack of moral conduct or foundations. Maybe i'll go off and write a poem, we'll see

Teach the world to sing
and those who cannot sing shall tambourine
and those who cannot tambourine shall groove on it

god bless.

Thursday 30 October 2008

Send Me an Angel

I've decided to pitch as i would for multiple people because to be honest every person who reads this it means a lot to me, As some of you may know this title is in fact the name of a song by the Scorpions, now i know what you're thinking but i am neither going to repost it's lyrics or attempt to plagiarize it, no far from it

I intent instead to use it to lubricate as it were my own personal view on our society and my religious views in one which may sound very incorrect for another, but i say to these people:
'How can you chaste someone for a passion and an attempt for them self to assail the greatest single mystery that has plagued humans and struck at our weakness, that being how our minds function and our need for understanding and order, if you place a human at the bottom of a cliff, they will soon wonder what the cliff is doing there and what it may be used for and eventually attempt to master it. Yet you feel no remorse in thrashing another person for having faith in something you do not'

I'd like to see myself as a religiously tolerant person other than when people see themselves as 'the only sane people' for not having a particular religious view. I grant that there will be people out there who solely feel no desire to think about the profound and to be honest i find that quite a deeply sad notion, however these are very rare i think and many people who do not believe themselves at all religious will feel some senses and emotions that fulfill the basic human need for guidance and understand that forms religion but without an earth born organization to represent it.

In these troubled days sparked with a simple issue of what i consider to be a magnificent misjudgment on behalf of the BBC editing staff, I am the only person to see a slight resonance of the Godfather II? obviously i do not mean that at all literally and i only refer to it for that fantastic build to the peak of human hopelessness and where the most godless people just look to the stars and scream in despair to feel so alone, When i look at the news and see the debacle that had become of the Ross and Brand incident and yeah I'm going there but not from an offensive point of view or even a too specific one...for me i saw all i needed to see from radio, TV and internet to see that our society and world as we know it is based on the fundamental flaw that is...the human.

From my own experience i gather that some people feel insignificant and fear responsibility for others and lack that trust in ourselves that allows people to lead, from all this i personally reach the conclusion that what this world needs..

what we need is angel

Because by their nature angels are not human although they are portrayed in an image like our own as in fact that could be either way round, but it brings to mind the idea of divine infallibility and the stories from the Bible that would suggest God as omniscient and omnipotent although he lacks the prevent placing the fatal flaw in the human and in fact it comes back to trouble him when people sully themselves reducing whole cities to sin and when the first of the humans gave under the temptation to sin.

If you ask me, the way people turn on the BBC presenters for the incident around two weeks ago gives to me the idea that throughout all out years on this earth we are unable to learn our lessons and yet we claim to do this well, our problem with this is we get hung up on the time divide and indeed we all feel that the past is much further different and distant than the present even if the divide is so infinitely small from our perspective. You may well disagree because my viewpoint, i do seem in fact fairly Christian in viewpoint even if i do not seem to fit into the modern day church of Christianity.

Of Course there is always the fear that we have become too distant from our creator and will be unable to see his messenger, although some see manifestations of this we have never as a humanity seen an Angel...despite this we all seem to be pretty fine with the concept in both it's form as a winged servant of God and as a modern day colloquialism, but this brings no end to the confusion and the fear that our angel may go unnoticed but as it is we live under the wake of many fears and this just falls into our tapestry of me depressive if you like but there is a metaphorical loom of the unpleasant. If you ask me..

..what need is an Angel

Wednesday 29 October 2008

Another poem

Yes as the title suggests i do in fact have another poem i would like to share, i'm not sure if it is good or not but i thought i'd let others decide what they will, think what they will for this is:

A Poem on it's own.

A crystalline star of purest white

Settled on the cars last night

Formed blankets of cushioned miracle

Yesterdays drip becomes today’s icicle

As ever there is always work to do

Yet here I find myself writing about you

Thoughts of you seize my mind every hour

It seems a pity that your eyes may never scour

this page to read the thoughts of mine

Passed into our peoples sign,

This poems direction I cannot tell

For it has a mind of it’s own as well

If there is a message, really any message

Hidden well within this longing passage

Then to yourself it may never be spoke

For I fear too late and to easily

broke .

-Elliot Roberts-29/10/08

Sunday 26 October 2008


The other day whilst, slouched in the back of a car watching the world slip through my vision i felt i would try to sum up my thoughts when i find myself in this position. It's something i remember feeling a lot when i go on long car journeys. So i wrote a poem, it probably isn't any good but thats my blog all over, anyway here it is:


Cast off from your home
to brave the concrete sea
the pockets heavy with memories

Where am i going?
why am i going?
will i return

these rhetorical waves

a chop or a rumble

Eyes [sharp] snap back to the road
by a frail imitation of nature

the beads from your palms

for you have
no place


-Elliot Roberts-26/10/08

Sunday 12 October 2008

WOW vs. My Life

First off i'm sure many people would agree with me that since i started playing World of Warcraft my personal, social, political and vigilante crime fighter life has suffered, however it may be possible that it was never very successful and the kindest thing was for Blizzard to come along with a shovel and a head full of thoughts relating to the grander scheme of things or if you are a member of the tau the greater good [ a joke for all the warhammer 40k or dawn of war players]

but really i think it's more that any game with considerable staying power could whisk my various lives [see before for the full list of those affected] away to a care-free world of nonexistance.

But to sum it up i think many people myself inscluded do use games especially MMORPGs to escape this world and enjoy a far removed one where everyone loves you if you can disemboul a number of grotesque looking beasties, because really there's nothing like leaving behind the fact that you are:
-mindmubingly bored,
-haven't got the confidence to call some friends
-feel torn between the expectations of today's society and your own moral objections
-can't decide what you really want to do with your life without realising a problem with your chosen path...more often than not a lack of talent at it
-find your dreams slowly ebbing away with each day
and the usualy worry that noone in this world will ever love you

so what could be more appealing than getting into a comfy seat, creating an avatar who is probably better than you in every single way and doesn't feel the need to moan.

ah i do love the smell of pessimism in the evening.

Saturday 11 October 2008

When play is work.

As a drama student i naturally find myself encountering a number of plays and have to analyze them, so i don't find at all unusual that i start trying to think like a play write and make like a play write and by that i mean i writing plays not marrying Marilyn Monroe like Arthur Miller and not people watching like Alan Bennett.

So anyway it was recently confirmed that i do have a rambling and disorganized Lexis which was about as bigger surprise as being told that placing any part of myself other than my ego in the way of chainsaw wielding maniac was NOT A GOOD IDEA

anyway my whole point behind this is not just to see a piece of writing placed all pretty on a background on the interweb, the teenage and young adult version of having a crayon scrawling pinned on the fridge

in fact it's not even to dislodge the small collection of wildlife that has hither to lived undisturbed on much of my keyboard, probably the result of the decline of proper sentences in todays social networking community which could really do with a survival themed game of scrabble to weed out the people who are letting it down.

No this probably just my way of getting out my frustration at writers block which the name suggests is a small inconvenient obstacle like a piece of white paper on a runway not the earsplitting white noise that smashes peoples dreams.

And it's thanks to 'writers block' that we end up with the following scenarios:

ah i've an idea! a guy writes a book on western bureaucracy and it's oppression of free people's and ideas and....

um.,.and then... meets a girl and they fall in love but um....


..then he kills her because she had an affair and....


..yep send it to the publishers.

i mean honestly it makes having an idea like the film 'Alien' if it didn't come out of the stomache but waited a bit longer.