Sunday 22 March 2009

But who is watching my language?

Ah Ha and so the observant of my current following of one, may notice that i am once again blogging due to the build up of self analysis, rants and comment that would otherwise festoon the various media outlets that exist on British and American servers.

And so i begin, cracking into my chosen topic like Tony McNulty(MP) into the government kitty, My attention was caught by a story in the times newspaper,now don't judge me, it doesn't necessarily mean i think in a very middle class fashion or that my first experience of alcohol was pimms under a pergola...that is merely coincidence. Anyway the story referred to the legislation being passed to make homophobic jokes illegal, which would of course cut down hugely on mentions of broke back mountain and mamma mia

But it made me think seriously at what point can you draw a line in the sand without going against your core principals and betraying your original cause, and given it's nature is it even inherently possible to set a point where tongue in cheek ends and slander begins, to me the very concept of language and it's uses make it force to be reckoned with in the face of legislation and regulation as it mostly exists not as a primal set of communicative definitions but the framework for human society and a great tool that has become the expression of all that lies within the realms of thought. Therefore policing such a territory beyond the obvious becomes a battle of circumstance and the unnecessary generation of apathy...which would give some the term "broken Britain"

Now to reduce the risk of seeming too heavy i will end this for now...hopefully to return.