Monday 2 February 2009

2009: A first!

Now this is my first blog of 2009 possibly because as time went on the expectations rose, but now i prepare to shatter them in a nigh pointless exercise in self assertiveness in the looming face of the mundane and insignificant.

So to kick off i am going to give my take on world progress and certainly the election of Barack Obama, although in the grander scheme of things we are still have a new frontier of equality to cover we all at least have the chance to revel in the good of our own aims if not achievements. We are as a species still as flawed as ever, however there is wonderfully a new wave of enthusiasm towards progress and steps towards ideals albeit a little romanticized i hope it will inspire a fresh interest in the political systems that people across the west have lost faith in over the years. This is something i think is reflected not only in the election of the 44th president of the united states but the release and reception of the dark knight, i know it seems a slightly strenuous link but it bears epic themes that to some it provides all the tools to form an allegory.

So it is amidst this backdrop of change and new year that i almost resolutely remain the same, the minority still try to speak on the behalf of all whilst the majority remain still and slowly becoming drained out of hope and confidence on the world. The internet still remains the bizarre society formed out of lies, manipulation and a lack of moral conduct or foundations. Maybe i'll go off and write a poem, we'll see

Teach the world to sing
and those who cannot sing shall tambourine
and those who cannot tambourine shall groove on it

god bless.